Children in Need non-uniform day
On Friday 17th November, children can wear spots or stripes to mark this event. Further information can be found in the School News section (News & Events tab).
On Friday 17th November 2023, we will be joining in this national event by having a non-uniform day, where we will ask you to send in a voluntary contribution.
On this day, we are going to ask children to wear something spotty or stripy of their choosing – this can be pyjamas, sweatshirts, jumpers, t-shirts, socks, tights, trousers, hairbands – please note no hair colours, temporary tattoos, makeup, nail varnish or jewellery should be worn.
We would ask parents to please make sure whatever children wear is suitable for all day in school and to be outside at playtimes, including sensible footwear.
Donations will be gratefully received on the day but are purely on a voluntary basis.
Thank you for your support.