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Putteridge Primary School

Putteridge Primary School


Since 2012, we have been using a ‘cloud’ based assessment and tracking package called Target Tracker which enables us to track the progress of every child in the school. The mid-year and end of year reports are produced using data from Target Tracker. As a tool it has been incredibly powerful in supporting our ongoing school improvement.

Target Tracker have devolped a system called ‘Steps’ which enables progress to be measured against the actual National Curriculum programme of study in each year group (from Yr1). 

Your child’s attainment and progress will be reported to you in the following way:

Beginning:  Your child has started on that year’s programme of study

Working with confidence:  Your child has demonstrated (by the work in the classroom and in their books) that they have learnt a substantial part of that year’s programme of study

Skilled: Your child can demonstrate that they can use and apply what they have learned within that year’s programme of study

Mastery:  Your child can use and apply what they have learned across a range of situations and across the full range of the curriculum (i.e. in other subjects)

In this way, every single child will move through ‘Mastery’ in a subject before ‘Beginning’ the next programme of study.

We have also created ‘bookmarks’ which we will give to you at both the mid-year and end of year report consultations. These will specifically outline which aspects of a particular programme of study your child will need to focus upon to make the next step in their progress.

We are confident that our system will ensure that every child;

  • Has an entitlement to the breadth of the curriculum
  • Can progress well according to their ability
  • Can meet an achievable challenge in all their work
  • Will know what it feels like to achieve ‘Mastery’ in a programme of study