School Lunchtime Arrangements
Children attending school full-time may have a school meal or a packed lunch.
Foundation Stage: | 11.30 am – 12.40pm |
Key Stage One: | 12.00 pm - 1.10 pm |
Key Stage Two: | 12.00 pm - 1.10 pm |
Putteridge Primary Pantry service provides a two-course meal which is cooked in our own kitchen. Children are offered a choice of main course, vegetables and pudding and are encouraged and guided to choose a balanced meal. Children are encouraged to try new things but are never forced to eat anything they dislike.
School meals should be paid for weekly, half-termly or termly in advance onto your child's Parentmail account.
Packed lunches should be brought in a container clearly named. We do recommend that children bring their lunches in a ‘cool bag’ type box in which an ice pack can be placed so that food is not spoilt and ants not attracted. Children having a packed lunch may bring a carton of juice or squash with a straw (no fizzy drinks or flasks) and water is available for all children at lunchtime.
We would ask that your child either has a school meal or a packed lunch each week. On Fridays, all children can choose to have a ‘Fun Day Friday’ meal, which consists of favourite foods, i.e., pizza, chips, pasta, turkey burgers etc.
If you wish to change the lunchtime arrangements for your child, it would be appreciated if you could please give the kitchen a week’s notice in writing - please either write this in your child's yellow diary or send an email to