Putteridge Primary Curriculum
Curriculum Intent
Our staff are at the heart of Putteridge Primary and our fantastic team drive our desire to offer the best possible education for our pupils, in partnership with parents and the local community. Putteridge’s thematic approach will develop a lifelong love of learning and foster the potential that lies within all of our children, preparing them to be happy, healthy, resilient, successful and responsible citizens of the future.
Our curriculum will:
- Provide an engaging programme of work and learning experiences, ensuring a broad balanced curriculum which engages all learners, allowing them to reach their full potential through a nurturing environment where children feel safe, happy and secure.
- Foster an enquiring mind, with the ability to question, choose, evaluate, pose opinions, make connections and discuss rationally.
- Ensure all pupils are provided with equal opportunities in order to thrive in this inclusive environment.
- Develop in each and every member of our school community confidence, resilience and a positive self-image.
- Develop awareness and understanding of moral, social and religious values and celebrate our diverse community.
- Prepare pupils for the challenges that may be faced daily, as well as those in the next stage of education and adult life.
- Focus on the acquisition and development of language and communication in every aspect of school life, which will be achieved through the spoken word, written text, and the digital world.
Curriculum implementation:
Year group teams are responsible for planning the curriculum following the national curriculum guidance documents. They make decisions about what resources and materials they use, and how they differentiate them appropriately.
Skills in each subject area are taught progressively across year groups, which leads to knowledge building over time. Opportunities are clearly planned to develop speaking and listening within each of the curriculum areas.
Key concepts are revisited through a progressive curriculum approach. All subjects develop vocabulary, speech and language skills that allow for learning to be embedded in the working memory.
Work is planned to address misconceptions and gaps in learning are identified to ensure that the curriculum effectively meets the needs of all pupils.
English and mathematics are taught on a daily basis. Key literacy skills are also taught regularly through phonics/spelling sessions and guided reading. Other subjects are either taught on a weekly basis or are blocked depending on the topic.
The National Curriculum document is supplemented by the following resources:
- White Rose and Herts Essentials to support the teaching of maths
- Twinkl phonics
- Jane Considine writing and spelling
- Kapow art, design and technology and music
- Teach computing
- PSHE association
- Luton RE syllabus
- RSE – the Christopher Winter programme
- Sue Cave Languages for French
Curriculum impact:
From their different starting points, children at Putteridge Primary will make good or better progress academically, emotionally, creatively, socially, and physically.
The impact of the school’s curriculum can be seen in the work the children produce in their books, the work on display and the outcomes for all groups of pupils within the school.
Pupils’ progress is measured through ongoing assessment and though key assessment points depended on the year group. Teachers will use this information to adjust and adapt planning as necessary, to ensure that any gaps in knowledge and misconceptions can be addressed.